Your Rights Under Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs including: housing, and activities sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination is a broad category which includes: sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, invasions of sexual privacy, and discrimination based on gender. Additionally,Title IX prohibits discrimination against pregnant, lactating, and parenting students, staff, and faculty. Everyone is protected by Title IX, regardless of their actual or perceived: sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression.

Report a possible Title IX incident using this online reporting link or by calling the Title IX Office at (831) 459-2462.


UC Santa Cruz Will Provide Interim Measures as Necessary

Once a complainant reports an incident of sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence, they have the right to receive immediate help. This help can include changing classes, campus housing, campus employment or transportation arrangements so that the complainant can continue their education or employment free from ongoing sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence.  Even if a complainant chooses not to file a formal complaint or request a formal investigation, UCSC can take steps to promote safety.

You Have the Right to Be Free from Retaliation

Anybody who participates in a Title IX process, including the initial act of reporting an incident by a third party, is protected from retaliation.  

The UC Santa Cruz Title IX Office Will Conduct Prompt, Reliable and Impartial Investigations

The investigation and resolution of a complaint will be conducted by officials trained in how to protect the safety of complainants and respondents. Investigators are also trained in trauma-informed investigation techniques.

Both parties (complainant and respondent) have the same opportunities to have a support person during the investigation and resolution process, including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding by an advisor of their choice.  If a student is using an advisor and/or a support person during the investigation and resolution process, they will be asked to sign a FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) Waiver, available here.

In addition, the process will afford the complainant and the respondent equal rights to:

  • present witnesses, evidence, and information,
  • obtain notification of the time frames for all major stages of the investigation,
  • receive simultaneous written notification of the result of any university investigation and disciplinary proceedings, and 
  • appeal the outcome of an investigator and/or disciplinary proceeding.

UC Santa Cruz utilizes a preponderance-of-evidence standard of proof in all investigations. This means that a policy violation decision will be made based on whether the evidence shows that it is more likely than not that the alleged conduct occurred.

UC Santa Cruz Will Provide Remedies as Necessary

If an investigation determines that sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence occurred, UC Santa Cruz will take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the prohibited conduct, eliminate the hostile environment, prevent its recurrence and, as appropriate, remedy its effects.

For more information about possible remedies see UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Appendix III.