Resources for Respondents

Respondents are defined as parties responding to a Title IX related allegation.

Respondents have the right to: 

  • due process and are always informed by the Title IX Office at the start of an investigation. 
  • respond to allegations and may present witnesses and evidence. 
  • a support person and/or advisor of their choice.

The Title IX Office is a neutral office and protects the rights of both complainants and respondents in a Title IX investigation. 

The Title IX Office may answer questions that a respondent may have, including what to expect. You can contact Title IX by emailing

Respondents may also contact respondent support services to learn more about their rights and/or the investigation and adjudication processes.

  • Students are supported through in the Dean of Students Office . 
  • Faculty and Academic Personnel are supported through Academic Personnel Office. Please contact Danny Gray, Academic Employee Relations Director, at or  831-459-5032.
  • Non-Represented Staff are supported through the  Staff Human Resources Office.