Announcing CAPS Self Care Meditation App

Hello graduate and undergraduate students!

We hope this message finds you well. We know this has been a particularly crazy quarter and academic year. We want to provide you with the support you need, particularly as we reach the end of Spring quarter and move into the summer.

UC Santa Cruz’s Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) is partnering with One Perfect Meditation, a new mobile phone app (for iPhones only at this point) now in Beta testing. See link below and login/instructions (attached).

Via this email, we are asking you to join us in piloting this app. We invite you to use it free of charge (up to 5,000 users) for 90 days, and give your feedback. Students who participate will be allowed to continue to use the app after the pilot phase is completed.

Click here to begin>> UCSC / One Perfect Meditation pilot download

Why One Perfect Meditation?

This free app being Beta tested now is intended to provide guided meditations on how to soothe stress, stay motivated, and much more. 


Your participation in the pilot

We are interested in getting your feedback on how to improve this self-care tool for our community and students all over the world!


Feedback can be given directly while using the app or via email at


Thank you!

Gary Dunn

Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Health & Wellness


CAPS services are still available online during Spring quarter.

See Also