CCRT Past Highlights
Past highlights by academic year
Co-chairs pause CCRT to evaluate the program and revise it to more effectively meet goals.
Naomi Chu (Director of CARE) and Catherine Carroll (AVC of EEP) become the co-chairs of the Coordinated Community Review Team.
In April for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) the CCRT released a calendar of on and off-campus events to promote activities campus-wide. The CCRT shared the SAAM calendar with partners, staff and students in order to foster participation in the awareness events.
Laura Espindola, the Director of the Victim's Witness Unit in Santa Cruz County presented to the CCRT members. The presentation outlined what services are available through the Victim's Witness Assistance Program for victims of violent crimes and how to assist victims in accessing the program.
CCRT members from SHOP, Title IX, and CARE, along with student intern support created flyers aimed at reducing the harm caused by excessive alcohol and other drugs. The posters were distributed to all of the residence halls and posted at the bus stops before students arrived on campus and during the first 8 weeks of classes. The posters helped to raise awareness of the support and services that students could receive at SHOP and SHOP staff noted an increased awareness of their services early in the school year.
For Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) in October, the CCRT created posters that contrasted popular myths about dating and domestic violence with statistical information. Resource information was provided.
The CCRT hosted feedback sessions to facilitate public comment for the Conflict of Interest Related to Consensual Relationships Policy which was implemented on an interim basis in September 2020.
In April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) started off with the first-ever SVSH Research Symposium led by Title IX graduate intern Sona Kaur.
The CCRT's first SAAM calendar was released as a collaboration of on and off-campus partners.
The calendar and SAAM events were promoted in City on a Hill.
In May, the Student Consent Workgroup launched the Student Consent Survey to gather feedback about consent culture and practices within the student body.
Starting on September 29, 2020, the Conflict of Interest Related to Consensual Relationships Policy, which was drafted in a previous year by the CCRT, has been implemented on an interim basis.
Created a letter of support for CARE advocate funding.
Graduate student members Ike Minton and Rojina Bozorgnia became representatives for the Systemwide Student Advisory Board.
Created posters that contrasted popular myths about dating and domestic violence with statistical information.
During October, the National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the posters were featured on a weekly basis in City on a Hill Press.
The same posters were also placed on all of the campus shuttle buses throughout the month.
CCRT provided guidance regarding the need to increase student engagement with the Title IX Office. CCRT guidance helped the office to secure funding for hiring two graduate and two undergraduate Title IX student interns.
Proposed Conflict of Interest related to Consensual Relationships Policy for review and developed a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to respond to concerns about the policyThe policy has been drafted since 2016. It is intended to clarify expectations and to support staff and faculty in avoiding professional conflicts of interest related to consensual relationships.
Developed feedback surveys to be utilized after case closure for complainants and respondents participating in the Title IX process.